----------------------------------------------- I'm a Mormon. ----------------------------------------------- Mad. Branch: Seminary/Mutual Activity Dec. 15, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Seminary/Mutual Activity Dec. 15, 2010

This week's seminary meeting was a pizza social. Sister Ross and Sister Jackson had pizza for everyone. We just hung out together and visited. It was a bit of a reward for how good the students have been doing.

At seven we were joined by the other members of the YM and YW who are not yet old enough for seminary. First we played a game that was sponsored by Sister Welch. We placed paper plates on our heads and then drew pictures. It was very fun and made everyone look goofy. I was unable to hold a plate on my head, draw, and take pictures. Thus there are not very many pictures of this activity.

Next was a gift exchange that I guess we have been doing for ... well, as long as I have been in YM. It is always one of the highlights of the year.

Before I comment on the pictures below, let me just say that I had forgotten my camera at home. Therefore, the quality of these pictures may not be very good.

Our seminary teachers. Thanks Alex for making them laugh in this picture.

Teacher and student.

Pizza time.

Summer and Sarah enjoy the social.

Jake during the put a plate on your head and draw a picture game.

The exchange gifts.

Brother Bowie tries to decide.

He ends up, at least for now, with a coon skin cap.

Sarah painstakingly unwraps the gift she chose.

I must pause to say that I really love President Ross. He is one of the greatest men I know and I have a tremendous amount of respect for him. But, he may be a bit on the dry side, or a least a bit unemotional when it comes to fun stuff. Not that he doesn't have fun, but that he shows it in a subdued way. Those of you who know him understand. Notice the next four pictures. Notice his expression. Now imagine him gently bouncing up and down. That may give you an idea of the good time this event was.

He unwraps, and unwraps, and unwraps.

And then unwraps, and unwraps, and unwraps. (Thanks KC.)

He triumphantly ends up with some kind of talking monkey.

Be sure to ask the young men and women about this night. I'm sure that it is one they will remember for a long time.

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