----------------------------------------------- I'm a Mormon. ----------------------------------------------- Mad. Branch: March 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

West End Cemetery Clean Up... 3/26/2011

Today we helped in the West End Cemetery cleanup. Before I comment at all I want to say that I am not even going to try to name everyone in the photos below. There were that many people that showed up to help.

We began at 8am. It had to be the perfect day to do this job. Breezy and not too hot. There were members of other faiths there as well. The jobs included righting headstones, cutting low hanging limbs, weed eating, mowing, raking leaves, and cleaning up. We worked on about half of the cemetery.

After about three hours we had everything done. The cemetery association fed the workers BBQ.

I have to admit that while I was weed eating I couldn't help but look at the names and dates on the headstones. What was life like back in 1880? I bet they rode horses or walked every where. Was this person a farmer, or did he work in the drug store down town? I bet it was hot in the summer. How could anyone sleep when it is so hot; and without screens the bugs would eat you alive if you opened the windows. Was this person a saint, or scoundrel? More than likely just a person trying to raise a family and make a living.

I just want to express the feeling of joy and happiness that I felt while doing this project. I certainly got the feeling that I wasn't the only one that felt this way.

3/23/2011 Geocaching

The scout troop worked on the geocaching merit badge tonight. Don't know what geocaching is? Well, put simply, it is a high tech treasure hunting. Small containers are all over the world that contain at least a log, and usually some trinkets and sometimes a trackable. Nothing of real value. GPS coordinates are logged into an official web site and the cache is active. Whenever and wherever you are, you can search for these treasures, log that you found them, take (and leave) something. A fun activity that gets you outside and allows you to spend time together.

Troop 980 is in the process of placing a cache at the church. We are placing a trackable item with a hitch hiker. Ours is a compass, being we are scouts. This trackable could, and hopefully will, travel the world.

Be sure to ask the boys about their cache and maybe they will take you to where it is at the church.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Young Marrieds Activity 3/11/2011

We had another Young Marrieds night and it was a good one. Not only did we have a good crowd, but we also played a fun game and enjoyed one another's company. The game of choice was Scattegories. Lots of laughs.
In attendance were Amanda and William Ross, Mark and Sandria Wallrath, Tish Ross, Virgil and Stacey Landry, and Chris and Zaneta Curtis. Thanks to Amanda and Sandria for planning the event. (Also, thanks to the kids that watched the kids for us.)