----------------------------------------------- I'm a Mormon. ----------------------------------------------- Mad. Branch: April 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

Primary 4/25/10

We know that Sister Young makes a great Primary leader. One reason is that she has a way of getting people to help. Below is Brother Mark Young showing his acting skills to the kids. Be sure to ask him who he was representing.

Friday, April 23, 2010

1st Ever Young Marrieds Meeting 04/23/10

William and Amanda Ross have been called to lead a Young Marrieds group for the Branch and tonight was our first meeting. I am not sure exactly how things will proceed from here, and that was what we primarily discussed, but I am sure it will be fun. Tonight was.

The turn out was small. That sometimes happens when things first get started. We sure hope that the word will spread and those who are invited will be able to attend next time. Below is a pic of William and Amanda, Isaac and Anna Jackson, and Stacey and me.

Oh, everyone loved my shoes.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mutual 4/21/10

We had a combined service project for mutual today. We went Brother and Sister Whites and raked leaves. These pics are from my phone and therefore not that great, but you will get the idea of what we were able to do.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Youth Conference 2010

Youth Conference 2010

This year the Youth Conference took place in College Station, with the majority of the activities taking place at the LDS Institute building. Philip, Sarah, KC, Victor, and Chris attended. I have to say it was a huge success. It began Friday (4-16-10) at the Institute with playing pool and foosball and visiting. After supper we listened to Brother Randal Wright, LSD Institute Director in Austin. Bowling followed his devotional and ended at 11. I must apologize that I do not have any pics of Friday. Forgot my camera.

The youth stayed at the homes of Brother Kutler and Pres. McNeely.

Saturday began at 9 with cereal at the Stake Center. By ten we were at our service project and had been paired with four youth from the Spanish Branch. We went to the home of a local family that we helped with yard work. Great little family, and the youth worked hard.

By 12 we were back at the Stake Center for clean up and lunch, 70 pizzas. Plenty of food. We then returned to the Institute for workshops and seminars. We ate supper about 5:30 which was followed by the testimony meeting. We all felt the Spirit and were uplifted.
The culminating event was the dance which, I must say, was the best I have been to in quite some time. President Prior concluded the conference with a few remarks and we left for our homes about 10:15.

The following are some of the pictures I took, and a video or two.


Philip took on cleaning out a shed.

What are you sweeping, or are you just posing?

Brother Holmes pitched in.

Victor and KC planting and mulching.

Some of the 70 pizzas.

Rogina Kimmons in a game.

KC, Victor and Sarah playing. Some kind of kung fu game.

KC and Philip in Mormon Feud, a take off of Family Feud.

Maycie Lowe in a skit.

Another skit.

Not really sure what this is, but its a great pic of Sarah.

Kelsey Odom, granddaughter of Brother and Sister James at the dance.

KC helping Sarah and Oscar with their dance.

Victor and Cori Decell.

If I close my eyes I can do this spin.