----------------------------------------------- I'm a Mormon. ----------------------------------------------- Mad. Branch: 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dance 10/17/09

Despite being originally planned for the show barn, the dance was a huge success at the Chapel. Below are a few pics that I took.

Aly James and her friends.


The adults FAVORITE hangout.

Scott Welch demonstrating how to rope a chair in our roping contest.

Philip learns the ropes.

Philip. Go Cowboy!! (Is the rope supposed to go around the back of your neck? lol)

The Kimmons girls.

Chris held this chair in its place all night.

Scott knows how to do more than rope. Here he cuts a rug with Aly.

I think the smaller floor helped in the amount of dancing that took place.

Another contest. Quick Draw!!
Chris, your supposed to draw, point and shoot.
You got it Philip!

KC, talking to your gun doesn't help.

The third contest, and my favorite of the night. Jalapeno Eating Contest. Madisonnville provided four of the five contestants. WOW. (Aaron coaches them.)


Sarah, is that a tear?

KC ended up winning this contest, which I think he later regretted, by eating 7 1/2 peppers out of ten in two minutes. Prize. A pepper bandana.

A very special thanks to Sister Welch, Sister Murders, Sister L. Foster, Brother Welch and ALL those that helped behind and in front of the scenes. You are the example that we need. Thanks also to those youth that helped clean up.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dance 09/19/09

The dance was held in Huntsville and had a 60's theme. As always, the kids seemed to have a good time. For me, too loud and too dark. (hey, I'm not old yet!)

Aly James

Sister Green

Nicole at her first dance. Looks like she knows how it goes.

Nicole, but what is Regina Kimmons doing? I know it's a 60's dance.

Got to be my favorite pic. It was so loud you had to speak into each others ear to have them hear you. At least that was Josh's story.

Typical Tish.

Chris' first dance. Finally got a pic while he was dancing. Thanks Jessie.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Elders Quorum Service 08/29/09

While the Garzas are gone the Elders quorum has taken on the task of keeping the grass and weeds down. Man they live way out there. Things went really well today, other than we could have used another push mower and weed-eater. Here are a few pictures.

Brother Murders told us to met at Sister Green's driveway at 8am. We were there by 7:50. By 8 there was no Brother Murders. 8:10 no Brother Murders. I think it ended up being around 8:20 or so. There had been a problem with getting the key.

While we waited KC took advantage of the time to sleep. KIDS!!

Of course President Ross did too!!

Thanks to all who helped us do this quickly and with a good spirit.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Scout meeting 8/26/09
These are used to try and use up some of the endless energy that the boys have. Unfortunately I didn't catch them doing any actual pushups.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Stake Swim 08/22/09

The stake activity for the month of August was swimming at Adamson Lagoon. All of our kids seemed to have fun.

Here we see Brother and Sister Ross visiting. I think Tish is telling him a joke.
Pay special attention to the satchel on the shoulder of Tish. Notice how it gently hangs, like it is weightless. What you will not notice is that there is a set of keys that should be in there but aren't. That made for a creative ride assignment after the event.

This was the weapon of choice of Josh. His wet shirt. Brother and Sister Ross as well as myself got wet by the hand of Josh.

Philip is up to something.

Sarah proved hard to photograph. Here she is with Jade (from Conroe).


Practice, practice, practice.

Combined Activity 08/19/09

The first game I had planed. It didn't go over all that well. The learning curve was a bit too large, and there was a little bending of the rules. I'm not sure why they have paper taped to their heads. Kids.

The second game involved going up to the person of your your choice (if you're in the middle) and asking them "If you love me, smile." You know that if the right, or wrong, person is in your face being asked in the right way, it is impossible not to smile. The only exception, and still reigning champion, is Sister Welch. She never cracked. The kids seemed to like this game better that the first.

Brother, I knew you loved me.

Jessie tries to get Jake...

... then KC.

Harley remains in character.

Kayla studies hard.

Isaac isn't sure about this game,

but Nikki seems to like it.

Jake ponders something while Josh can't seem to take any more.

I'm not sure what the belly rubbing is for.

Philip. Keeping it real. Feeling it. Oh yeah.