----------------------------------------------- I'm a Mormon. ----------------------------------------------- Mad. Branch: May 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011

Outing 5/31/2011

I think Sister Clark gets the credit for putting this outing together. It started at Chick-fil-a. The Clarks (and all their kids), Amanda and William (and all their kids), the Wallraths (and all their kids),the Landrys (and four of their six kids), plus Thomas were there. I'm not sure but I think that is 55% of the Branch and 90% of the Primary. We ate and then watched the kids play on the playground.

We then met up a bit later at the movie theater for Kung Fu Panda 2. The movie was good and I managed to stay awake for the whole thing, I think. It was a lot of fun to hang out with everyone. Thanks Stephanie.

Below is a video and a few pics.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fireside 5/15/2011

It is not often that we have an adult fireside, but tonight we did. It was held at the home of President and Sister Ross. The program involved Brother and Sister Matis and their mission to Damascus, Syria. They spent just over two years there and had a lot of good experiences. They were there because of the affiliation that BYU has with the University in Damascus, and their purposes were largely humanitarian in nature, aside from his professorship at the University.

Their insight on the people, culture, history and economics of Syria were enlightening. I learned a great deal about Syria that I had never known.

Below are a few pictures of the fireside. There was a great turnout and the fellowship was warm.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Young Marrieds Activity 5/13/2011

Once again it was time for our young marrieds night. The Wallraths were kind enough to offer their home. We started by having various types of snacks. Yum, Yum!

Mark and Sandria had prepared a lesson of sorts for us, complete with a quiz and handouts. The message was on "Love Language" and was presented in a video by John Lund. The quiz told us about which love language we speak, thus helping us communicate better with our spouse. Much easier if we know what language they speak.

Lots of fun was had by all. Thanks and big hugs to everyone.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Mutual 5/11/2011

It was decided that we would have mutual on the second Wednesday this month in order to do a bit of service at the church. The youth weeded the front flower beds, although I can't remember any flowers in there. The church really did a good job of creating a beautiful piece of landscaping and we wanted to make sure it stayed beautiful.

The picture below shows most of those that helped that were willing to be photographed. I'm only sorry that I didn't get a before and after picture of the work. Just be sure to take notice of the flower beds in front. They worked hard and did a great job.

Thanks for the ice cream and cookies President Ross and Sister Webb.