----------------------------------------------- I'm a Mormon. ----------------------------------------------- Mad. Branch: October 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Over the last week our so our Branch has received a face lift of sorts. Trees were removed and landscaping put in their place. It really looks good. A picture of some of it is below. Thanks to Amanda and Tish Ross who volunteered to be in the picture.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

SHAC Jam 2010

This weekend, Oct. 8-10, was the Sam Houston Area Council Jamboree. It was held at the Texas World Speedway in College Station, Texas. The occasion was the 100 anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America. The highlights included a concert, about fifty activities, and a Sacrament Service on Sunday where a General Authority spoke.

Here we are leaving on Friday, about 4:30. We have Brother Holmes, me, KC, Brother Bowie, Jake, Zac Bowie (grandson of Brother Bowie) and Trey.

We sat up our tents as the sun went down. The boys did a great job.

A picture of the concert, Drywater. They played a variety of music.

From our campsite.

One of the exhibits was sponsored by the Army.

Trey on a zip line.

Zac about to zip.

The climbing wall. Well, one of the four climbing walls.

Trey on the wall.


And KC.

There were literally thousands of scouts and leaders. I heard an estimate of 12,000 scouts and an additional 8,000 cub scouts on Saturday.

I'll let you guess why I took this picture. You can't imagine.

The next few picture are of an obstacle course. Here Trey struggles to get over a vertical wall.

The wall was followed by a 45 degree ramp, which Trey decided to slide down head first.

KC, having to show off, practically hurdles the wall.

Goofy boys.

KC in a bull whip exhibit.

Zac pops the balloon with the whip.

Below is a video where I try and give you an idea of how many people were at this event. Tents were everywhere. The people were so friendly, as you might expect. The weather was perfect. The only "complaint" might be that it was impossible to get to all the activities.

I do not have any photos from the sacrament meeting. I have never been to anything like it. There were 20 priests that helped bless and from what I could tell, about 40 or 50 deacons to pass. It reminded me of the Savior feeding the masses. Everyone was so reverent. What a great sacrament. The speakers were Gifford Nielson and Elder Claudio R M Costa. They both gave great messages. We, and especially the scouts, we blessed to feel of the spirit as they spoke.

A great weekend.