----------------------------------------------- I'm a Mormon. ----------------------------------------------- Mad. Branch: October 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dance 10/17/09

Despite being originally planned for the show barn, the dance was a huge success at the Chapel. Below are a few pics that I took.

Aly James and her friends.


The adults FAVORITE hangout.

Scott Welch demonstrating how to rope a chair in our roping contest.

Philip learns the ropes.

Philip. Go Cowboy!! (Is the rope supposed to go around the back of your neck? lol)

The Kimmons girls.

Chris held this chair in its place all night.

Scott knows how to do more than rope. Here he cuts a rug with Aly.

I think the smaller floor helped in the amount of dancing that took place.

Another contest. Quick Draw!!
Chris, your supposed to draw, point and shoot.
You got it Philip!

KC, talking to your gun doesn't help.

The third contest, and my favorite of the night. Jalapeno Eating Contest. Madisonnville provided four of the five contestants. WOW. (Aaron coaches them.)


Sarah, is that a tear?

KC ended up winning this contest, which I think he later regretted, by eating 7 1/2 peppers out of ten in two minutes. Prize. A pepper bandana.

A very special thanks to Sister Welch, Sister Murders, Sister L. Foster, Brother Welch and ALL those that helped behind and in front of the scenes. You are the example that we need. Thanks also to those youth that helped clean up.